Many moons ago, before I was old enough to really appreciate such things, I was a frequent passenger in a Porsche 911 Carrera Sport Targa. The school run, family shopping, day-trips to the coast, trying to convince my brother to stand up as we zipped along country lanes… all these seemingly mundane activities were accomplished in the sporty little car that blew a gigantic raspberry at the Audi Avant that served as our second car.
Sure, it may not have been able to compete with the space and family function offered by the Audi, but my word it was fun to be in.
So I’m biased. I like Porsche. If I had the cash I would buy a different model for every day of the week, in a range of colours so I could cut a dash in a mobile mood ring. But that would be silly (think of the road tax alone, let alone chamois wear and tear, car wash costs, those little pine tree air fresheners…). One is probably enough, maybe two at a push if you’re not the only driver in your household and you both have a yen for prestigious manufacturing.
If you’re starting to consider the merits of Porsche, your research will probably lead you in the direction of the used Porsche market. The majority of people start off their driving career with a second hand car.
A used Porsche is a promotion to Senior Management. Certainly there are other brands out there that have an equally impressive reputation, but the likelihood is that if you’re a Porsche fan, you won’t even have eyes for anything else. The thriving second hand market means that a used Porsche is an option that can be seriously considered by anyone looking to invest in a vehicle that is an instantly recognisable status symbol.
Personally I’m a fan of the Cabriolet form. There’s something, for me at least, a little claustrophobic about being so close to the road whilst enclosed on all sides. With this personal oddity in mind I took charge of a used Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet for a short time in order to test whether my memories would live up to the real thing.
Call me old-fashioned, but for whatever reason I prefer the looks of the older Carrera. The modern version is a sleeker, more futuristic revamp of the classic model, but there’s something about the slightly chunky bodywork of the old 911 Carrera that just looks right. But after slipping into the driving seat I was willing to give the newcomer a chance. As you would expect from a Porsche, the interior is nothing short of sumptuous. The smooth transition from static to mobile offered a pleasing level of handling that continued throughout the drive. I opted to stick to the quiet country back roads, going roofless as soon as found the first hedgerows.
Wouldn’t you know, it was quite a pleasant experience. I would certainly recommend test driving your used Porsche of choice before setting your heart on buying it, but the used Carrera performed as admirably as one would expect from such a brand pedigree. I was a little reluctant to return it, because despite my misgivings it gave a charming ride.
A used Porsche might fit the bill if you’re looking to expand your horizons and invest in a brand that has an excellent reputation. As with any used car it would be prudent to visit an approved used Porsche dealership, where you will often be covered by a warranty that takes away the worry of things going wrong as soon as you arrive home in your new used Porsche.
For those of you wondering, you’ll be glad to know that I don’t think I ever did manage to convince my brother to stand up in the 911 whilst moving.
Sir Cherrylton went back to the future in a used Porsche Carrera.

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